Author: Rodion Shotsky

  • How to make a VPN app for iOS?

    How to make a VPN app for iOS?

    Want to create your own VPN app for iOS? This guide walks you through everything you need to know, from coding with Swift to integrating VPN servers and ensuring secure connections. Perfect for anyone looking to build a reliable and scalable VPN service for iPhone and iPad users.

  • How to Make a Telegram VPN Bot

    How to Make a Telegram VPN Bot

    Want to create your own Telegram VPN bot? A Telegram VPN bot is a simple and cost-effective way to distribute VPN services, especially in censored regions. This guide breaks down how to build one, from setting up configuration files to integrating payment systems.

  • How to Make a VPN App for Android

    How to Make a VPN App for Android

    Building a VPN app for Android involves choosing the right tech stack, setting up backend servers, integrating VPN protocols like WireGuard, and adding features like split tunneling. This guide walks you through the process step by step, ensuring a secure and user-friendly VPN app.